Am I the Only Man that Struggles with Spirituality?As I’ve gotten older, and in the most humble way possible, I have achieved a great deal in my 50 years on the planet and I would suggest…Feb 17Feb 17
How is divorce rate so HIGH? Are we making things too difficult?Been married for 23 years and there have been some extremely difficult times in our marriage for sure, more pain and discomfort than I…Jan 2Jan 2
Quitting too early can Cost EVERYTHING!Let me start by saying that there is a difference between strategically changing directions or course correcting and quitting…. and my wife…Nov 20, 2024Nov 20, 2024
Nothing Toxic about Masculinity!Is anyone else sick and tired of this toxic masculinity bullshit? or is it just me…. Are there Men that try and use power or force, or…May 30, 2024May 30, 2024
Same Places, Same People, Same Habits…..Same Results!Living in a small town of approximately 15,000 people in the middle of Maine certainly has it’s PROS… great place to raise kids, incredible…May 9, 2024May 9, 2024
The Past does Not need to Predict the Future!Looking back now at my life being raised by 2 working parents, a nurse and an engineer that both came from extremely modest upbringings, it…Nov 27, 2023Nov 27, 2023
The Pendulum has Swung too far!As we move through life, it has become more and more apparent to me that there is very seldom an absolute in all situations and oftentimes…Aug 21, 20231Aug 21, 20231
Why do we as men raise our son’s and daughters differently?As I asked myself this question over the years, mostly due to the fact that my wife has been kind enough to bring this to my attention, I…Sep 29, 2022Sep 29, 2022
How do you impact the Financial Returns on your investments?If you are a anything like I was early on in my career, it was my understanding that contributing to my 401K on a consistent basis was…Aug 19, 2022Aug 19, 2022
Need those Medications to handle Anxiety and Depression…or do you?This article may be just a touch polarizing, but I believe that it’s worth discussing in more detail for sure. In life we as human’s living…Aug 4, 20221Aug 4, 20221