Joe Rogan — Hero or Villain?
For those of you who are not aware of who Joe Rogan is, it’s time you get out from the rock you have been hiding under as he has become quite frankly one of the current media giants with his Podcast the Joe Rogan Experience that has over 11 million followers. Joe has seen success in a number of his interests including acting, host of Fear Factor, an amazing color commentator for the UFC, and a stand up comedian that can sell out the largest of venues. And as impressive a resume as this is, his most accomplished recent achievement was getting a multi-year contract with Spotify for his Podcast platform to air exclusively on Spotify with a value of ~$100M.
I’ll be very candid about any potential bias here with my opinions here as I write this article, I’m a huge fan of Mr. Rogan for a number of reasons….I absolutely love what he brings to the table during UFC events, he is absolutely hilarious, and he also has enough fuck you money that his motivation to be influenced by outside agendas on his podcast platform that makes his real and honest perspective VERY refreshing in a world of media that absolutely wreaks of untruths and narratives built on hidden agendas or conflict of interests that are glaringly obvious for those willing to peel back just the surface in many cases.
Now with that said, Joe and Spotify are under scrutiny for spreading “Misinformation” about Covid-19 and vaccinations. Even the infamous Neil Young has pulled his music from Spotify because of his strong opinion on this claim against Joe? Perhaps an aside, but Neil Young pulling his library from one of the more common platforms of streaming because he disagrees with some of the content that Joe has been a part of seems kind of like having a disagreement with my neighbor and then going back to my garage and hitting myself in the nuts to show him who’s boss????
Well let’s look at a few things here….. the first question would be whether the information that was shared on the podcast was in fact “Misinformation” to begin with and how do we KNOW, and the second question would be around whether some governing body has the right to determine what constitutes “misinformation” and do we want these governing bodies to have the authority to determine what constitutes misinformation and to be able to censor and remove this content so that others no longer get to decide on their own?

So the first question is whether the Podcast was airing “misinformation” regarding Covid-19 and the episodes that were discussed the most were the interview with Dr. Robert Malone in addition to Dr. Peter McCullough. Dr. Malone is an immunologist and virologist that has several patents around mRNA vaccines. Dr. McCullough is a cardiologist and was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and Professor at Texas A&M. Instead of going through each of these podcasts and the claims and experiences of these doctors as it relates to Covid-19, let’s first look at the credibility of these guests? By clicking on the names above you can explore these individuals in more detail, but they are both well recognized and perceived experts in their respective fields and share experiences they have had in addition to some beliefs they have based on these experiences. Whether these claims are “Truth” or “Misinformation” is certainly up for debate, but when seeking out the Truth, do we limit conversations and discussions with people that have differing opinions from the masses? Joe said it best in his recent public announcement…. If someone had said that you could still catch Covid-19 and spread Covid-19 after vaccinations early on, they would have been censored and labelled as “misinformation” or “Anti-Vaxers” but over time this has proved to be Truth! We need to be willing to hear ALL sides so that we can determine on our own what we want to do with our own body and those we are responsible for and when we censor discussions based on what the majority feels is truth, we open up all kinds of challenges and no longer have the ability to improve and get closer to the real truth as this requires discussion and course corrections as NEW and BETTER information is available.

Now let’s discuss the idea of having some authoritative structure or group that decides on OUR behalf what information we are allowed to consume and what information has been determined “Unhealthy” or “misinformation” and therefore this group can PROTECT the ignorant public from coming up with their own conclusions? What if this authoritative group receives funding from corporations? What if these corporations are for profit and have an interest in selling certain products? What if the regulatory body that approves or deny’s the ability for these products to enter the market is funded primarily by these corporations as well? It doesn’t take long to get to a place that is pretty scary and so the best way to prevent corruption and to have healthy checks and balances, is to be able to speak freely about opinions without censorship. This pandemic is a primary example that using scientific data to make decisions is far from what happens….. we wear masks on airplanes and yet go to football games maskless with thousands?? People wear masks driving in their cars by themselves or walking on the beach by the ocean with nobody in sight? These people should be free to choose this, but in terms of data we can conclude that they are living in FEAR as they are not protecting themselves from Covid-19.
In Canada now, there is a truck convoy heading to Ottawa to protest the extreme lockdowns and removal of standard freedoms from the general public because the Government KNOWS what we should all do??? What happened to the government being simply a voice of the people? What if the people want to level up the risk they are willing to take in order to live Fearless and Free lives? Shouldn’t the government allow this as the voice of the people? Why are we looking to Vaccinate our children under 12, when the data suggests that hospitalizations are extremely rare? Can we not question long term effects of the NEW mRNA vaccine technology? Are young women susceptible to lower fertility in the long term? How about Myocarditis as a result of mRNA Vaccinations? It’s pretty apparent that long term data can only be obtained with the passage of time…. We should be able to openly discuss any and all of these things without being judged or censored! This is the real way to seek TRUTH….
Personally speaking, I would rather live FREE and FEARLESS for a year, than locked down inside paranoia and FEAR for 10. Let the open discussions continue and praise for Joe Rogan for allowing ALL people to share experiences and to openly discuss controversial topics to allow MORE information to flow…. so that we all have a better opportunity to hunt down the TRUTH.