Same Places, Same People, Same Habits…..Same Results!

Living in a small town of approximately 15,000 people in the middle of Maine certainly has it’s PROS… great place to raise kids, incredible community feel where you get to know people and build deeper relationships in contrast to a large city, NO TRAFFIC JAMS… I could keep going, but like anything or anyplace, if you are doing the same things day in and day out, without any NEW perspectives or NEW stimulation to the mind, I can find myself feeling stagnant and uninspired. And when this happens, boredom can set in and this begins to result in the feeling of stagnation. When I begin to feel this way, I know that it’s time to test myself, or get uncomfortable which is the fuel for growth and expansion.
Most recently I was finding myself in that position and when this happens as a business owner or entrepreneur, it results (for me at least) unsettling feelings….perhaps a little anxiety that is speaking to me, telling me that it’s time to grow, learn, see! Our minds will try and tell us to “Chill Out” and this is typically confirmed by those around us that perhaps don’t have the same yearning for growth and expansion, so we take our foot off the gas and begin to coast and yet there is this voice in our hearts yearning for MORE….. I’m not saying that you need to be in some metropolis to pull off big shit, but as the saying goes you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with and so we need to be intentional by finding ways to gain access to those who are getting the big results that we desire for ourselves and our families.
This most recent trip to California was for an event that a couple of incredible business individuals Dan Fleyshman @danfleshman along with Bedros Keuilian @bedroskeuilian with the idea of combining entrepreneurship with the idea of equipping individuals with John Wick like skillsets to be able to protect themselves and their families with @operationblacksite and I have to admit, as a Canadian with very little handgun training, to hear and learn from Navy Seals, Green Beret’s, Professional Thai Fighters and take just a sliver of the technique and mindsets shared will be sure to have an impact moving forward.

So often we desire the results of another but yet we underestimate the PAIN , suffering, and extreme commitment that was required by these individuals to obtain these results. When you have the opportunity to listen to the detailed road travelled, I have yet to hear from someone who did not encounter extreme adversity and yet the difference between those with these incredible results and those without is one of 2 things; 1) They allowed FEAR to prevent them from going after the thing they desired, leaving them NO chance of achieving it. 2) They QUIT before they achieved because of some level of adversity. And there is no doubt that these things are certainly true for me on many occasions as we allow our limiting beliefs to prevent us from even starting so often and when we do, we will allow the first roadblock to derail us into quitting saying things like “I knew this shit didn’t work” or “I knew I wasn’t good enough”. But instead of telling themselves these limiting stories they wrote NEW ones… like “I’ll figure it out” or “who do I need to find that has done this and can assist?” or “My kids NEED me to figure this problem out”. It’s a matter of reframing and modifying the story we tell ourselves, because guess what? They didn’t have it figured out either…and come to find out…surprise…, they still don’t have it figured out!
So when I tell my people that I’ve spent over $100,000 over the past 3–4 years on coaches, mentors, masterminds, and travel to these events, they think I’m insane! It’s natural to compare this amount of money to something physical….like what kind of Car I could have purchased…or what sort of amazing trip I could have taken my family on… but what I’ve come to understand is that by investing in putting myself in these rooms with individuals who are pulling off BIG SHIT in their own lives in business, in fitness, in their marriages, in their relationship with GOD.. We level up our own belief systems and our own operating systems! And what better way to invest our resources…
When we are able to learn and adopt a new philosophy, eliminate a limiting belief that we were taught growing up, a lack of knowledge around how to make, keep and grow money…perhaps some poor communication habits inside of our marriages, some limiting beliefs about GOD based on the religion or the way that our parents operated, the return on these lessons are incredible! Sometimes ONE simple pivot can 10X our income! ONE simple lesson implemented in our own lives can SAVE our marriage, or take a struggling sexless marriage and light it on FIRE! My feeling is that it’s my job while on this earthly plane to take my time here and remove the things that aren’t working and replace them with the tools that work so that I can pass this along to my children. There are many returns that I’ve received by making these investments, but if I were to look at the PURE financial side, I can confidently allocate 5–10X my investment in returns. So my advice would be to find a coach, make the trip, join the mastermind! You and your family deserve it! Your legacy is relying on it…. Love to hear your experiences.